Please be aware that we're seeing intermittent drop outs with our phone system this afternoon. At this point in time, it would be advisable to send your requests via email to
17th November 2017, at 4:58PM
19th November 2017, at 6:15PM
We are currently having issues receiving incoming phone calls;
If you require support, please raise a support ticket through our customer control panel and we will respond as soon as possible.
10th November 2017, at 2:46PM
10th November 2017, at 3:00PM
Servers VPS29,30,31 and 32 will be rebooted later tonight (Between 10:30pm-11:30pm GMT) for security updates. Any containers on the server will be suspended whilst the reboot takes place. It can take 15-20 minutes for everything to come back up after. Our engineers will be closely monitoring this. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause - please do contact support if there's any questions.
12th October 2017, at 11:19AM
12th October 2017, at 10:14PM
Servers VPS24,25,26,27 and 28 will be rebooted later tonight (some time after 10pm GMT) for security updates. Any containers on the server will be suspended whilst the reboot takes place. It can take 15-20 minutes for everything to come back up after. Our engineers will be closely monitoring this. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause - please do contact support if there's any questions.
5th October 2017, at 2:41PM
5th October 2017, at 9:51PM
WordPressVPS4 will be rebooted later tonight (some time after 9pm GMT) for security updates. Any containers on this server will be suspended whilst the reboot takes place. It can take 15-20 minutes for everything to come back up after. Our engineers will be closely monitoring this. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause - please do contact support if there's any questions.
4th October 2017, at 8:09AM
4th October 2017, at 11:08PM
On Wednesday evening, we're going to perform some server inspection and maintenance on Prohosts 32,33 and 34. Downtime will be kept to a minimum and this will be done out of hours. Email service will not be affected.
3rd October 2017, at 3:39PM
4th October 2017, at 10:01PM
VPS23 will be rebooted later tonight (some time after 10pm GMT) for security updates. Any containers on this server will be suspended whilst the reboot takes place. It can take 15-20 minutes for everything to come back up after. Our engineers will be closely monitoring this. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause - please do contact support if there's any questions.
3rd October 2017, at 10:16AM
3rd October 2017, at 9:27PM
Due to reliability issues, all containers on WordPressVPS10 node are being rebooted by engineers, this will cause a few seconds downtime as the container reboots.
27th September 2017, at 3:55PM
27th September 2017, at 4:36PM
It has come to light this morning that one of the major blacklisting providers, SORBS, has started listing one of our load balancing servers overnight. We have a case open at present with SORBS, and have for the meantime taken steps to allow mail to bypass spam checks on that system. We are reviewing what can be done so that mail that has failed can be re-queued. Do please bear with us whilst this option is investigated.
21st September 2017, at 11:59AM
22nd September 2017, at 1:45PM
Mercury mail users have started to report a database error on attempting to log in. Engineers are aware and are investigating right now. We are aware there is an issue and will update this status as soon as we have further information. Please note that our telephone support team do not have any further information at this point in time.
19th September 2017, at 2:26PM
20th September 2017, at 8:57AM