There will be a 15 minute period where users on the older atmail service will not be able to connect to email. This is due to emergency maintenance. We will resolve this status when the mail system is back online. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
21st November 2016, at 7:23PM
21st November 2016, at 7:30PM
We need to reboot a range of our Prohost servers for essential security patches to be applied. As we expect a short downtime for this, we will make a start on this soon. Please allow up to 5 minutes downtime for your website if on a pro host server. Emails will not be affected.
4th November 2016, at 2:50PM
4th November 2016, at 4:05PM
A reboot on our Reseller servers is required to allow security kernel patches to be applied. This will result in brief period of downtime for sites on each host.
3rd November 2016, at 11:49PM
4th November 2016, at 12:18AM
Some sites on WordPressVPS7 are currently unavailable, engineers are investigating.
3rd November 2016, at 12:24PM
3rd November 2016, at 12:47PM
VPS26 went down for a security update and has not come back on-line since. Our engineers are investigating into this.
3rd November 2016, at 1:53AM
3rd November 2016, at 11:17AM
A reboot on some of our VPS servers is required to allow security kernel patches to be applied. This will result in brief period of downtime for sites on each host.
3rd November 2016, at 12:34AM
3rd November 2016, at 1:52AM
A reboot on some of our VPS servers is required to allow security kernel patches to be applied. This will result in brief period of downtime for sites on each host.
2nd November 2016, at 11:33PM
3rd November 2016, at 12:38AM
Prohost34 has had trouble running the correct secured kernel for the operating system. We're going to look into and hopefully correct this. A reboot or two will be required. Please allow 10-15 minutes of downtime for websites. Email service will be unaffected.
2nd November 2016, at 10:13AM
2nd November 2016, at 11:29AM
WordPress VPS hosts will be rebooted from 11.30PM tonight (1st November) to allow security kernel patches to be applied. This will result in brief period of downtime for sites on each host.
1st November 2016, at 3:42PM
2nd November 2016, at 2:38AM
A single host node is having issues resulting in some sites being unavailable, the node is being rebooted and engineers are investigating.
1st November 2016, at 10:46AM
1st November 2016, at 12:59PM