34SP.com System Status History

WordPress hosting (WP platform)



We're currently looking at an issue affecting the WP hosting platform. Several sites do appear to be offline and we're currently assessing this.

Start Time

8th September 2016, at 5:28AM

Resolution Time

8th September 2016, at 6:51AM

businesshost3 websites (Businesshost3)



This server is undergoing a quick reboot to apply some security updates.

Start Time

8th September 2016, at 12:13AM

Resolution Time

7th September 2016, at 11:24PM

Business hosting - Planned maintenance (Businesshost2)



We're going to improve the hardware on businesshost2 server. In preparation for this, we're going to be doing some maintenance on the server and taking some further backups to our regular overnight ones. Over the next 24 hours, your site may go off-line for a minute or two* whilst a full off-line backup is taken. This downtime will only occur once when this takes place. For any questions or issues, please contact support.

*Some large containers (High disk space ones) may have the one-time off-line backup lasting 5-10 minutes.

Start Time

16th August 2016, at 3:35PM

Resolution Time

18th August 2016, at 9:59AM

Business Hosting (Businesshost4)



Businesshost4 seems non-responsive this morning. We're going to apply some new security patches and reboot the server. All sites should be back up in the next 10-15 minutes.

Start Time

11th August 2016, at 9:16AM

Resolution Time

11th August 2016, at 8:59AM

WordPress VPS 2 HTTP flooding (WordPressVPS2)



WordPress VPS2 is currently experiencing a large amount of HTTP traffic, which has resulted in flooding the network. Access to the host has been temporarily suspended at the router level. Engineers are investigating.

Start Time

9th August 2016, at 9:05AM

Resolution Time

9th August 2016, at 8:19AM

WordPress Hosting - Planned Maintenance (WordPressVPS2,3,4,5)



We will be carrying out further maintenance on the WordPress Hosting platform, this evening following on from the work last week.

This work may involve restarting containers, in such cases HTTP monitoring software may show sites as down for a brief period of time. Visitor to your sites may see a slight delay on accessing the page, but the browser should in most cases keep the connection.

Start Time

8th August 2016, at 12:28PM

Resolution Time

8th August 2016, at 9:29PM

WordPress Hosting - Planned Maintenance (WordPressVPS2,3,4,5)



Following on from the work done last night, some additional work will be carried out out of hours on the above hosts. We do not expect to see any prolonged downtime, however HTTP monitoring tools may see a blip, normal browsers HTTP connections should auto-reconnect as the Nginx service will restart, in each container.

Start Time

5th August 2016, at 2:54PM

Resolution Time

5th August 2016, at 10:58PM

WordPress Hosting - Reboot (WordPressVPS2,3,4,5)



To fix some recent stability issues, the host hardware is being updated with an update that requires a reboot of the hosts themselves. This will involve a small period of downtime.

Servers will be rebooted, one at a time and monitored through out.

This reboot is planned for 11pm BST downtime will be kept to a minimum, but some HTTP monitoring tools will pick it up.

Start Time

4th August 2016, at 4:38PM

Resolution Time

4th August 2016, at 11:55PM

WordPress Hosting Intermittent failure (WordPress Platform)



Some containers on the WordPress Hosting, have after a restart, failed to launch FirewallD a service required to allow HTTP access to the container. Engineers are restarting the process and monitoring failed restarts.

Start Time

3rd August 2016, at 4:32PM

Resolution Time

3rd August 2016, at 6:41PM

WordPress Hosting



An issue with a rollout to our WordPress Hosting has resulted in some sites showing a 500 error message, for non cached assets. A second build to fix this is already being run out to all containers.

Start Time

1st August 2016, at 4:39PM

Resolution Time

1st August 2016, at 3:57PM