34SP.com System Status History

Prohost server slowness (Multiple prohost servers)



Update at 19:17:10(GMT): Update at 22:31:55(GMT): Update at 22:25:37(GMT): The issue does seem to be now clearing up and does not look to be 34SP related. All servers had low load levels, network levels were very low and DNS was running fine. The only common factor was excessive load time of sites connecting to Google services.

Update at 22:07:30(GMT): Update at 22:06:18(GMT): Our initial investigations didn't uncover any widespread attacks, but we did detect a possible error with Google Analytics.

We're still reviewing this at this time, but if you are having slowness/load issues with your website, and you are hosted on a pro server - please review if you have Google Analytics code installed and test with this removed.

We are seeig randomised slow downs for domains hosted on prohost servers. The excessive load levels are appearing as downed sites for some users.

We are presently reviewing this.

Start Time

25th February 2015, at 9:17PM

Resolution Time

18th March 2015, at 7:17PM

Partial email delays (Atmail email array)



Update at 21:16:27(GMT): Update at 16:42:25(GMT): Due to a hardware failure, our legacy Atmail email array has been running in a degraded fashion over the weekend.

This means that some users may have experienced slower than usual email receipt as system load increased. Please note no email will have been lost, merely delayed hitting inboxes.

The fault did not affect outbound email, or any users hosted on our newer, more redundant mail platform.

During today (Monday 23rd) a backup server was deployed to replace the failed component. This is now starting to resolve the issue, but due to DNS propagation the full effect may not be felt for all users until the new records propagate.

If you still have email hosted on our legacy Atmail platform, please contact support for information on migration to our newer more powerful platform.

Start Time

23rd February 2015, at 4:33PM

Resolution Time

25th February 2015, at 9:16PM

Some sites unavailable (prohost22.34sp.com)



Update at 12:59:21(GMT): All sites are now accessible again.

Some professional hosting customers with sites on server prohost22.34sp.com are currently experiencing an outage. We are investigating this problem as a matter of urgency.

Start Time

23rd February 2015, at 12:54PM

Resolution Time

23rd February 2015, at 12:59PM

Reseller service interruption (Server 11)



Update at 11:50:16(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.The issue has now been resolved with this server; following a number of service issues being addressed, all services should be restored.

Our engineers are currently investigating an issue with this server which will be directly affecting both mail and web hosting services. Apologies for any inconvenience this may be causing.

Start Time

22nd February 2015, at 8:26AM

Resolution Time

22nd February 2015, at 11:50AM

Reseller services (All legacy reseller systems)



Update at 23:12:33(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.The issue has now been corrected and all services should be restored.

Update at 23:09:02(GMT): The fault has been identified and we expect a fix in the next few minutes.

We are presently seeing some issues affecting our legacy reseller plans - this is initially looking to be DNS related and in turn affecting all hosted services.

Our out of hours engineering team has been alerted and we are now reviewing this.

Start Time

17th February 2015, at 11:02PM

Resolution Time

17th February 2015, at 11:12PM

Reseller server 21 problems (server21.xenserve.com)



Update at 09:48:00(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server. An issue has now been identified and sorted. All sites appear to be loading great once more and the issue looks to be resolved.

We're currently looking into issues to do with server21. Sites are being very slow to load, if at all. Our engineers are working on this right now and hope to have everything working great again shortly.

Start Time

11th February 2015, at 9:44AM

Resolution Time

11th February 2015, at 9:48AM

Unavailable (Reseller server 2, 6, 7, 8, Prohost34)



Update at 09:42:50(GMT): Now marking as resolved

Update at 11:27:28(GMT): Following an eventual server reboot, all 5 servers have successfully come back online.

Our engineers are still monitoring them for now but this should predominantly be resolved. Websites and email services should fully resume within the next few minutes.

Again our apologies for the inconveniences.

Update at 10:34:40(GMT):The following servers are currently unresponsive. We have our engineers looking into this now and will post further updates as we go.

Our sincerest apologies for the meanwhile inconveniences.

Start Time

7th February 2015, at 10:32AM

Resolution Time

11th February 2015, at 9:42AM

Reseller server 14 (xenserve14)



Update at 09:42:05(GMT): Now marking as resolved

Update at 15:52:08(GMT): Server14 is now back online. An additional quantity of virtual swap memory has been added to prevent loads causing the server to crash again. Users may find services sluggish should swap memory start to be used, but services should still remain active. We will continue to check this over and have this server on monitoring for the time being.

An emergency reboot has been issued on xenserve 14 to it becoming non-responsive. The server has failed to restart fully, and engineers are currently checking via remote connection as to the cause. More details to follow.

Start Time

4th February 2015, at 3:39PM

Resolution Time

11th February 2015, at 9:42AM

Prohost27 Database(mysqld) (prohost27.34sp.com)



Update at 06:19:29(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.The issue has now been resolved with this server .mysqld is now back online.

We are having an issue the mysqld on this server. The database service is cuurently unavailable. This will affect websites on this server only (Email not affected). Our engineers are looking into this issue and will have the server back online as quickly as possible.

Start Time

1st February 2015, at 5:29AM

Resolution Time

1st February 2015, at 6:19AM

Email migration (Various)



Update at 07:35:54(GMT): The email migration is now complete and all email should function as normal.

The planned migration of customers on our atmail platform is beginning now. All affected customers were notified in advance of this move. Email for affected customers will be unavailable until this move is complete, planned for 8am Sunday 1st February.

Start Time

31st January 2015, at 11:55PM

Resolution Time

1st February 2015, at 7:35AM