34SP.com System Status History

Prohost15 security updates (prohost15)



Update at 09:34:07(GMT): All back and updated! Sorry for any inconvenience this may of caused.

Prohost15 is currently being worked on to deploy some needed security updates. We'll need to reboot the server after. Everything should be back up in 5-10 mins. Emails completely unaffected.

Start Time

28th October 2014, at 9:16AM

Resolution Time

28th October 2014, at 9:34AM

Some email unavailable (Atmail email platform)



Update at 06:36:07(BST): This matter is now resolved and email will be functioning normally for all users.

Update at 06:29:15(BST): After a delayed start, the work is now almost complete. The majority of mail is now back online and we expect the last part to be online shortly.

Users of our atmail email platform will currently be unable to retrieve their email. This is a result of some engineering works required by our datacentre providers.

No email will be lost during these works.

We expect the outage to be under an hour in duration and will post further updates here as we have them.

Start Time

22nd October 2014, at 4:58AM

Resolution Time

22nd October 2014, at 5:36AM

Inbound email issue (Roundcube email platform)



Update at 17:53:25(BST): The issue has now been resolved with this server.This issue has now been tracked to a faulty internal networking item, and is now resolved.

We are currently seeing some users reporting login failures to this platform and are looking at this error now.

Start Time

20th October 2014, at 5:48PM

Resolution Time

20th October 2014, at 4:53PM

phone cover Sunday 12th October (n/a)



Update at 12:47:04(BST): Due to staff sickness, there will be no phone cover on Sunday 12th October, support will be limited to email cover only.

Start Time

12th October 2014, at 2:00PM

Resolution Time

13th October 2014, at 11:47AM

Prohost18 reboot (Prohost18)



Update at 17:24:48(BST): The server is now back online and services are starting up now.

We've seen an increased amount of attacks to various sites of late. In order to help combat this, we need to do a quick reboot of the server to change over the firewall settings.
The server will be unavailable for a few minutes, email services will be unaffected.

Start Time

9th October 2014, at 5:16PM

Resolution Time

9th October 2014, at 4:24PM

server20 (server20.xenserve.com)



Update at 17:08:56(BST): The issue has now been resolved with this server. Server has now rebooted and we're all patched up! Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Server20 needs an urgent security update that will require a reboot. Due to the urgency to get this patched, we're going to perform a quick reboot right now. Site's should be back up in a few mins. Apologies about the short notice.

Start Time

6th October 2014, at 4:57PM

Resolution Time

6th October 2014, at 4:08PM

Server1 (Reseller server 1)



Update at 19:21:42(BST): The issue has now been resolved with this server.A fault with this server has taken the web server offline. We should have this corrected in the next 15-30 minutes.

Start Time

4th October 2014, at 6:56PM

Resolution Time

4th October 2014, at 6:21PM

Server22 offline (Reseller server 22)



Update at 18:54:53(BST): Update at 20:13:54(BST): This server should be fine from here on, we will continue to monitor through the evening.

Update at 19:55:12(BST): Following repairs, the server is now being restarted.

Update at 19:12:53(BST): As of 7.05PM we have remote access to the server and are running a disk repair process presently.

This server started to fail at 5.45PM.

After a brief review of services the server was power cycled at 6.05PM

The server has not recovered from this reboot, so an engineer is currently being dispatched to the data center to review the fault first hand.

Start Time

3rd October 2014, at 7:00PM

Resolution Time

4th October 2014, at 5:54PM

SMTP/mail authentication outage



Update at 15:54:00(BST): The service has remained functional throughout today so we are now marking this situation as resolved.

Update at 10:35:08(BST): Authentication is functioning again now - we are keeping an eye on this and working to determine the cause of this short outage.

We are aware of an issue affecting email authentication at the moment. This will be affecting users sending and receiving email. We will post more details here when we have them.

Start Time

1st October 2014, at 10:27AM

Resolution Time

1st October 2014, at 2:54PM

Server12 Service Disruption (Server12.xenserve.com)



Update at 14:04:29(BST): The issue with this server was resolved at approximately 10:30(BST)

Update at 09:58:46(BST): As remote access has also stopped responding on this server, an engineer is currently en route to the data centre. We anticipate their arrival within the hour and will post a further update once they are on site.

We are currently investigating in to an outage on the reseller hosting, server12.

We'll update this post as soon as we have more information from the engineers. 34SP apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Start Time

19th September 2014, at 8:33AM

Resolution Time

19th September 2014, at 1:04PM