Update at 09:45:57(BST): Affected customers were contacted and stability has returned. Please contact support if you are still having any further problems.
We're currently seeing high loads on this server which is causing sites to load slowly. There looks to be a problem with a couple of customer websites which our engineers are currently looking into.
12th August 2014, at 10:00AM
15th August 2014, at 8:45AM
Update at 00:22:34(BST): This work has been completed ahead of time and full network functionality has been restored.
3rd August 2014, at 11:59PM
3rd August 2014, at 11:22PM
Update at 10:43:18(BST): No further issues have been seen.
Update at 21:16:57(BST): Services are running well again. We're continuing to investigate and monitor the server for now.
Engineers are currently working on the current high loads on this server. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
1st August 2014, at 7:04PM
4th August 2014, at 9:43AM
Update at 10:42:27(BST): No further maintenance is now planned.
Update at 21:20:11(BST): We're continuing to monitor the situation with this server. Since the reboot, we're seeing near 100% uptime again but we're still working on and monitoring this server closely. A further reboot may be needed which we will try to sort late Sunday night, if this is required.
We've seen an increased amount of attacks to this server recently which has also caused some poor performance whilst this has been happening. We've been working closely with our security team to quickly resolve this and improve things. Unfortunately a quick server reboot is needed to apply some new updates. We will do this now and the downtime should be no longer than a couple of minutes. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
31st July 2014, at 3:28PM
4th August 2014, at 9:42AM
Update at 08:14:01(BST): The issue has now been resolved with this server.We are currently investigating into a server side issue with the server, prohost27. Once we receive an update from our engineers we will advise further.
We apologies for any inconvenience caused.
The server unfortunately required a restart and system check, this has now been completed and normal service has resumed.
21st July 2014, at 8:02AM
21st July 2014, at 7:14AM
Update at 19:20:22(BST): The issue has now been resolved with this server.All containers are now back online and all services should be restored. If you have any issues, please get in touch with support.
Due to a memory issue, the server has had to be rebooted. The issue is not harddrive related and no permanent damage is expected. As containers come back online, sites should be restored to full working order.
If you still experience problems upon resolution, please let us know.
Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause in the meantime.
20th July 2014, at 6:57PM
20th July 2014, at 6:20PM
Update at 19:44:57(BST): Update at 01:02:09(BST): Servers have now been restored at 00.56. Email should now be accessible and start to flow in to affected users. There is a chance that some email delivered between 22:00 and 00:00 may have been returned to sender.
We are currently experiencing an error with the Roundcube email system.
A fault with the network storage currently means this service is not accessible.
We are currently liaising with data center engineers to investigate and resolve this issue.
18th July 2014, at 12:16AM
23rd July 2014, at 6:44PM
Update at 10:33:45(BST): As aknowledged by BT, the issues laid within their network. As such, these -should- now be resolved.
Update at 11:40:49(BST): The issues are affecting BT customers only and then, not all BT customers. We have reports that this is due to DNS resolution issues within their core network due to a server replacement.
All other network providers are currently unaffected.
It has come to our attention that a number of BT users are unable to connect to our services.
Fault detection is still under way but at present, the issue appears to lie outside of our network.
No websites are directly effected and all sites should be accessible for anyone not affected as a BT user.
28th June 2014, at 10:33AM
29th June 2014, at 9:33AM
Update at 11:45:51(BST): Update at 11:33:36(BST): Update at 11:32:21(BST): Some users who are on the new roundcube mail servers are reporting issues with folder subscriptions disappearing overnight following a system update to correct a separate issue (cause now identified so it won't re-occur). This option can be refreshed, usually by right clicking on "inbox" and updating folder subscriptions within your mail program. If using webmail, click on the cog at the bottom left of the screen and click "manage folders".
27th June 2014, at 11:30AM
7th July 2014, at 10:45AM
Update at 09:43:19(BST): Things are looking better once more. As a general piece of advice to Wordpress users - please check http://codex.wordpress.org/Brute_Force_Attacks
We've seen a lack of stability on this server recently. A few older sites that haven't been updated in a while were found to be running a few hacks. Those affected have been contacted and we hope to see a return of higher uptime once more! As a general reminder - please do check your software for updates or custom code should be checked over occasionally and preferably should be compatible with latest php.
24th June 2014, at 11:10AM
26th June 2014, at 8:43AM