Update at 14:05:35(GMT): We were seeing some network issues on the server so updated the kernel to resolve them. With this done, the server is up and running and all VPSes have started.
12th March 2014, at 11:40AM
12th March 2014, at 2:05PM
Update at 10:00:36(GMT): After further work, the performance of this server has been greatly improved, with little further downtime.
Update at 16:49:31(GMT): We've been very closely monitoring the performance of this server since the changes last week. Whilst it has helped a little, we're still not happy with the overall performance and customers have also reported occasional issues. Further work has been done today and more work is planned. Any clients affected by planned moves/maintenance - we shall be in touch by mail or phone.
Update at 12:37:14(GMT): It looks like we're encountering issues again. Our engineers are currently looking into this.
Update at 09:55:15(GMT): The server is back on-line. We're closely monitoring this for now.
We're going to try a quick reboot on reseller server21. The DNS server on there has been unstable of late. We hope this will help fix this.
11th March 2014, at 9:38AM
25th March 2014, at 10:00AM
Update at 09:39:59(GMT): Apologies, this status post wasn't set to resolved when the mail system was back online. Setting it as resolved now.
Update at 22:18:42(GMT): Mail system is now back online.
Update at 22:09:09(GMT): The mail system will be going offline in a few minutes for this update.
Continuing our upgrade of mail storage, the atmail based mail systems will be offline for 10-15mins shortly.
We will update this status once we start this process.
5th March 2014, at 10:06PM
11th March 2014, at 9:39AM
Update at 22:29:51(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.All services are now back online.
Update at 22:21:29(GMT): The upgrade is now starting, hopefully should all be back within 10-15minutes.
Atmail hosted email will go offline in a few moments for approximately ten minutes while we add additional capacity to the system.
3rd March 2014, at 10:12PM
3rd March 2014, at 10:29PM
Update at 12:28:19(GMT): This issue was resolved yesterday - just closing the status page entry now.
1st March 2014, at 8:05AM
4th March 2014, at 12:28PM
Update at 21:47:35(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.The upgrade has now completed.
Update at 21:39:46(GMT): The upgrade begins.
Atmail hosted email will go offline in a few moments for approximately ten minutes while we add additional capacity to the system.
28th February 2014, at 9:32PM
28th February 2014, at 9:47PM
Update at 13:52:05(GMT): Normal service has been restored and all containers are back online.
Due to a kernel fault discovered by our engineers, the server has required a full restart.
As such, containers are currently coming back online but this process can take tome time. In the meantime, services on these hosts will be unavailable. Apologies for any inconvenience this may be causing.
28th February 2014, at 1:28PM
28th February 2014, at 1:52PM
Update at 23:39:50(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.Work has now completed.
Update at 23:19:53(GMT): The upgrade has now begun.
Atmail email will momentarily be inaccessible for a 10 minute period while we add additional capacity to the system.
26th February 2014, at 11:15PM
26th February 2014, at 11:39PM
Update at 23:39:47(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.We are monitoring the server at present, however, all services have now been restored on prohost 28.
Update at 22:27:25(GMT): Service has been restored to prohost 26 and 27, however prohost 28 is still being investigated at this time.
Update at 22:14:25(GMT): Due to continued issues, the server is undergoing a full restart. As such, this will cause interruption to service on prohost26 and 27 also.
Following a failed service restart, engineers are currently investigating the interruption to service.
The hosting server is currently undergoing a reboot, following which services should be restored to normal.
Apologies for any inconvenience this may be causing.
12th February 2014, at 9:43PM
12th February 2014, at 11:39PM
Update at 15:08:52(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.Our engineers have isolated the underlying issue which was causing the problems and our phone systems are now responding as normal.
We are currently experiencing issue with our phone system and are unable to receive calls. Our engineers are working on this at present and hope to have things back up and running shortly. For any enquiries, please email support@34sp.com.
We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.
7th February 2014, at 2:54PM
7th February 2014, at 3:08PM