34SP.com System Status History

Mail Service Issues (Various)



Update at 07:47:27(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.Our engineers managed to isolate the issue causing this and resolve it around 0700 GMT. All mail services have been performing as normal since.

It has come to our attention there is currently issues connecting to our mail server database.

Our engineers have been notified and investigations will commence shortly.

This will be affecting all receiving of emails this includes webmail services as well as POP3 and IMAP connections for those on Professional and Business hosting plans.

34SP apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Start Time

8th March 2013, at 6:23AM

Resolution Time

8th March 2013, at 7:47AM

Network Failure (Multiple)



Update at 08:02:38(GMT): Though this was resolved some hours ago, we have now received confirmation that the maintenance window is clear and no further outage should be expected.

Update at 03:34:06(GMT): The outage has been caused due to unscheduled maintenance to one of our main provider's fibre networks.

We are still fine tuning the failover system and our engineers are working to bring it to full capacity to counter for the loss of service. Please bear with us whilst we continue to stabilise the framework to bring your service back to optimal performance and once again, please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

Update at 02:44:48(GMT): Though this is mot now affecting all users, the initial rerouting of traffic seems not to have been sufficient. Engineers are actively working to resolve this as soon as possible. Updates will be provided as soon as we have any further news. Apologies for the continuing down time.

Update at 02:26:28(GMT): At approximately 1:30am, our network suffered from some instability. This caused service wide connection problems and our engineers were alerted to the issue.

The engineers pin pointed this issue as originating outside of our network and rerouted traffic accordingly as this did not failover automatically as intended. As of 2am the issue is considered largely resolved. Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Start Time

5th March 2013, at 2:18AM

Resolution Time

5th March 2013, at 8:02AM

Emergency Reboot: server14.xenserve.com (server14.xenserve.com)



Update at 08:43:04(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.
The server is now back online. Thank you for your patience.
Engineers have had to perform an emergency reboot on this server. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Start Time

4th March 2013, at 8:34AM

Resolution Time

4th March 2013, at 8:43AM

VPS 25/27 Unreachable



Update at 23:44:13(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.

These servers are now back online. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Customers are advised to check their VPS for any unauthorised activities and to remember to keep them updated at weekly.


There appears to be a large amount of traffic coming from these servers.

It may be a site that has been compromised and is being used to outbound attack.

Our engineers are working to find the cause.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Start Time

2nd March 2013, at 8:57PM

Resolution Time

2nd March 2013, at 11:44PM

Business1 (business1.34sp.com)



Update at 11:01:02(GMT): Update at 11:00:53(GMT): All users have now been migrated off this server.

Update at 13:49:33(GMT): Our engineers are looking to replace the hardware to ensure we can move our clients to another service. An engineer is currently on site at the data centre.

The stability of this server has been increasingly poor throughout the evening of Wed (20/02/13).

At this time the machine is repeatedly locking up requiring manual power cycles.

We will keep rebooting the machine throughout the night as required until Thursday (21/02/13) morning when our engineering team will be reviewing the fault as a priority.

Start Time

21st February 2013, at 12:53AM

Resolution Time

5th March 2013, at 11:01AM

server4.xenserve.com emergency reboot (server4.xenserve.com)



Update at 09:19:02(GMT): With no further issues during the night, we are marking this case as resolved. The server will of course continue to be monitored by our systems and staff will be alerted to any further problems as they arise.

Update at 19:28:00(GMT): After an extensive disk check, the server is now back online and running as expected. Our engineers will continue to monitor this during the night to ensure it runs flawlessly. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Update at 16:51:55(GMT): A disk check is currently being performed to ensure the integrity of the hard disks.

We have had to perform an emergency reboot. This should be back up shortly. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Start Time

20th February 2013, at 4:20PM

Resolution Time

21st February 2013, at 9:19AM

server17.xenserve.com Emergency Reboot



Update at 16:49:07(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.
This server is now back online. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

We have had to perform an emergency reboot. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Start Time

20th February 2013, at 4:01PM

Resolution Time

20th February 2013, at 4:49PM

Server21 (server21.xenserve.com)



Update at 16:03:23(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.This issue is now resolved. Our engineers monitored the situation overnight.

We're currently experiencing issues with the DNS service on this particular server. This potentially affects all users. Our engineers are currently working on this.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Start Time

19th February 2013, at 5:35PM

Resolution Time

20th February 2013, at 4:03PM

Network Issues



Update at 10:55:51(GMT): The issue has now been resolved

Update at 10:55:09(GMT): The engineers pin pointed the issue outside of our network and rerouted traffic accordingly. Customers are no longer reporting the earlier issues.

It appears some customers are experiencing some connection problems to 34SP. Our networking team are tracing this to see where the issue lies. We're hoping to trace this and have the issue resolved as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Start Time

19th February 2013, at 9:21AM

Resolution Time

19th February 2013, at 10:55AM

Email authentication (-)



Update at 13:49:15(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.This issue should now be resolved. If your issues persist, please contact us via our email support system.


Update at 13:28:11(GMT): Some users are also experiencing their mailboxes being unavailable/non-visible through the control panel. Please be aware that this is solely due to the unavailability of the database at fault.

The email addresses still exist and no mail that existed on the server has been deleted due to this issue.


Our engineers have been made aware that some users are experiencing connectivity issues with receiving mail.

We are looking into this at present and will update here once more is known. Apologies for any inconvenience this may be causing.

Start Time

16th February 2013, at 1:09PM

Resolution Time

16th February 2013, at 1:49PM