Update at 11:12:17(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.The server has had a disk check and a full reboot onto a different kernel. This has resolved the issue and we apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Update at 10:58:49(GMT): An engineer is currently at the data centre attempting to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Server19 is currently undergoing a reboot and disk check. We apologise for the inconvenience caused and it should be back online shortly.
9th January 2013, at 10:06AM
9th January 2013, at 11:12AM
Update at 09:36:29(GMT): Update at 09:17:57(GMT): Our engineers have rebooted the server to bring it back online and are looking into the issue that occurred.
server2.xenserve.com has become unresponsive and is currently undergoing a full reboot. Should any further actions be necessary once this has completed, we will post accordingly.
2nd January 2013, at 8:52AM
2nd January 2013, at 9:36AM
Update at 13:26:07(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.
We have had to reboot prohost8 as it became unresponsive.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
27th December 2012, at 1:18PM
27th December 2012, at 1:26PM
Update at 00:30:03(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.All servers were back online around 11.30PM.
Please note prohost servers 10-16 are being moved as per our planned maintenance.
These servers are being physically moved inside our facility to our newest area/network, and will be back online momentarily.
20th December 2012, at 10:03PM
21st December 2012, at 12:30AM
Update at 12:51:07(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.This has now completed and all services are now back online. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
We are currently performing an emergency disk check on this server.
Websites will be unavailable during this time. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
18th December 2012, at 12:48PM
18th December 2012, at 12:51PM
Update at 11:31:18(GMT): This issue was resolved last night, apologies for the lack of updates to the status page.
13th December 2012, at 11:14PM
14th December 2012, at 11:31AM
Update at 17:14:33(GMT): All accounts have now been migrated off this server and it has been removed from service.
11th December 2012, at 9:54PM
17th December 2012, at 5:14PM
Update at 21:53:58(GMT): Update at 07:46:10(GMT): The server is currently responding again and all services should be back up and running as normal. The server is currently being monitored to ensure that the issue does not reoccur.
Our server VPS 24 is currently not responding. Our engineers have been notified and investigations will commence shortly. Once the issue has been isolated the server should be back up and working again shortly after.
34SP apologies for any inconvenience caused and we will post further updates when we receive information from the engineers working on the issue.
11th December 2012, at 5:56AM
11th December 2012, at 9:53PM
Update at 09:58:55(GMT): Update at 09:46:05(GMT): Update at 09:45:29(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.Our engineers have tracked the issue down to the host and resolved it. Server2 is now back up and running.
The server had stopped responding. Our engineers are issuing a reboot and scan on the server before bringing it back online to ensure everything is ok. They will then track why the issue originally occurred.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
7th December 2012, at 9:15AM
10th December 2012, at 9:58AM
Update at 07:12:30(GMT): The issue has now been resolved with this server.Update at 18:06:33(GMT): We have just received news that two major transit carriers will both be taking maintenance steps this evening.
Both Cogent and IXReach will be performing maintenance work between the hours of 23:00 and 06:00. Both indicate their work should take no more than 30 minutes. If both maintenance windows occur at the same time, there may be downtime.
Ideally we would give our users a big heads up on a major event like this, and take the necessary steps to prevent downtime, but one provider has only given us 8 hours notice, which has severely limited our options for response.
This status page will be updated if the two windows do overlap by chance.
6th December 2012, at 5:38PM
7th December 2012, at 7:12AM