34SP.com System Status History

Websites may be down temporarily (WordPress server 25)



An issue was identified and resolved with websites on server 'WordPress25'. All websites from this server are currently being brought back online now.

Start Time

12th August 2021, at 7:56AM

Resolution Time

12th August 2021, at 8:03AM

All services



We have received notification from our datacentre providers that they are currently experiencing a power issue and that the failover to generators has not happened as expected. This affects all 34SP.com services.

We will provide updates here as we receive them from our providers.

Start Time

19th May 2021, at 2:13PM

Resolution Time

3rd June 2021, at 2:02PM

WordPress hosting (WordPress VPS 12)



We are aware that sites hosted on WordPress VPS 12 are currently not responding. Engineers are investigating at the moment and we will post further details once they become available.

Start Time

5th May 2021, at 12:43PM

Resolution Time

5th May 2021, at 12:49PM

WordPress Hosting (wordpressvps22.34sp.com)



Sites hosted on wordpressvps22.34sp.com are currently unavailable due to a disk issue.

Engineers are working to resolve this issue.

Start Time

12th April 2021, at 5:48PM

Resolution Time

22nd April 2021, at 7:11AM

WordPress Hosting (wordpressvps13.34sp.com)



We're aware of an issue intermittently impacting sites hosted on the server wordpressvps13.34sp.com. Engineers are investigating the issue and we'll provide an update here when we have more information to share.

Start Time

11th March 2021, at 1:43PM

Resolution Time

17th March 2021, at 10:27AM

SSL fault (Various)



Today we experienced an issue with SSL certificates on a variety of 34SP.com services.

The issue came to light around 4 p.m. at which point clients would have had issues connecting to a variety of services including email and our own website. By 6 p.m. our efforts to restore services was largely complete, with most clients reporting access restored to POP, IMAP and webmail. Our website and control panel access was also restored by this time. We continue to work on enabling SMTP access, which we hope to have online again shortly.

We will of course conduct a full post mortem of the case of this event ASAP and communicate that directly with clients. Please contact our support team so we can brief you on what happened, why, and what's next.

Start Time

18th July 2020, at 7:17PM

Resolution Time

24th July 2020, at 8:03AM

Reseller (All)



We have started to receive messages from a number of resellers saying that the SSL certificate for mail has suddenly stopped working. We're working to resolve this across the board, but are currently advising affected clients to enable this manually by logging into Plesk > tools and settings > SSL/TLS Certificates and changing the "Certificate for securing mail" from None to instead use "Let's Encrypt certificate (server pool). If one is not present, go back one page and select the Let's Encrypt button.

Start Time

12th May 2020, at 11:41AM

Resolution Time

12th May 2020, at 4:04PM

Host Server Outage (WordPressVPS15)



The WordPressVPS15 hardware became unresponsive, engineers performed an emergency restart and containers on the host are currently starting up.

Start Time

5th April 2020, at 6:10PM

Resolution Time

6th April 2020, at 7:08AM

Networking outage (All platforms)



We are currently having network issues affecting all services. Engineers are currently investigating.

Start Time

3rd April 2020, at 7:32PM

Resolution Time

6th April 2020, at 7:09AM

Phone Support



Phone line support is currently unavailable due to some local exchange issues, please email us on support@34sp.com for the time being if support is needed.

Start Time

27th February 2020, at 8:44AM

Resolution Time

28th February 2020, at 2:02PM