34SP.com System Status History

WordPress websites unavailability (WordPress platform)



Due to an error in the release of a new piece of code on our WP backend, some WP sites might find small moments of unavailability; this is being experienced as a site returning a white screen both on the front and back end.

We're currently running a series of fixes to alleviate this while a full code fix is released to correct this permanently.

In the interim please avoid using the staging feature on the platform, this will help alleviate the immediate issue.

Start Time

21st September 2018, at 6:54PM

Resolution Time

24th September 2018, at 10:39AM

Outage due to DDoS



We're currently experiencing a DDoS attack which our automated systems are in the process of blocking.

Start Time

19th September 2018, at 11:44AM

Resolution Time

19th September 2018, at 2:56PM

Email (Mercury mail platform)



Some clients on the mercury mail platform have been reporting slow downs and time outs on logging in. Engineers have traced this to degraded performance of the mail storage array and are investigating reasons for the degraded performance. Further updates to follow once their investigation is more complete.

Start Time

15th August 2018, at 10:21AM

Resolution Time

3rd September 2018, at 10:52AM

Power controller replacement



We are currently conducting some planned maintenance to replace faulty power controller units. A few systems may become temporarily unavailable, the work should be corrected momentarily.

Start Time

14th August 2018, at 11:27PM

Resolution Time

15th August 2018, at 3:46AM

Email (Mercury platform)



Some users have been reporting intermittent and lengthy log in delays when logging in to their mailboxes. Engineers are seeing slow responses from the email database and are currently investigating the cause.

Start Time

17th July 2018, at 12:18PM

Resolution Time

18th July 2018, at 9:30AM

Website service (Prohost22)



Engineers are currently investigating an issue affecting websites on one of our professional hosting servers. Prohost22

Start Time

13th July 2018, at 9:27AM

Resolution Time

13th July 2018, at 8:42AM

Email (Mercury)



Clients who connect over IPv6 are having difficulties accessing receiving email via their email clients. Webmail is accessible and no email has been lost.

Engineers are currently investigating.

Start Time

18th June 2018, at 11:14AM

Resolution Time

21st June 2018, at 4:26PM

Email (Mercury)



Some emails appear to be delayed or not arriving. Access to webmail results in a error message for some users. Engineers are investigating.

Start Time

18th June 2018, at 8:34AM

Resolution Time

18th June 2018, at 8:35AM

Mercury Mail



We are performing routine maintenance on the Mercury mail system's load balancing system. There may be a momentary loss of access to Mercury mailboxes. No mail should be lost during this time.

Start Time

17th June 2018, at 10:31PM

Resolution Time

17th June 2018, at 10:54PM

Professional Hosting (prohost32,prohost34)



We are currently investigating a high load issue which has affected websites hosted on one of our professional servers. We will post more once we have an update.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Start Time

3rd June 2018, at 9:09AM

Resolution Time

8th June 2018, at 1:06PM